The safety and well-being of the healthcare workers, patients, and communities of West Virginia hospitals is our top priority. We have aggregated the following resources about COVID-19 in maternal and infant health to assist you during this uncertain time.
The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted all countries, populations and crossed all economic and social barriers. Prevention, care and treatment of the virus has many options available to practitioners and individuals. Prevention of transmission of the vaccine is still the most effective means of reducing harm to vulnerable populations, such as pregnant people and newborns.
- Preparing your Maternal and Neonatal Units to Respond to COVID-19: Practical Recommendations from a Frontline Hospital.
- Supporting your Perinatal Units During COVID-19: Mental Health Considerations for Patients and Healthcare Workers. (UCSF/ NEC Society/ Stanford)
- Webinar Recording
- Slides
- Resources for patients and providers: Project Parachute, Pro-Bono Teletherapy for COVID-19 Frontliners; Physicians Support Line, Free & Confidential Support for Physicians; SAMHSA, Psychological First Aid for First Responders
- Tools to support your mental health: Three Good Things; Gratitude Tool; Looking Forward Tool
- ACOG – Your COVID-19 Vaccination Choice While Pregnant (.pdf)
- ACOG – COVID-19 Vaccines and Pregnancy Infographic (.pdf)
- WV DHHR – COVID-19 FAQs (.pdf)
- WV DHRR – COVID-19 and Pregnancy Infographic (Spanish) (.pdf)
Myths Debunked: COVID-19 Vaccines, Pregnancy & Fertility
Guidelines for Obstetric Providers
- COVID-19 Vaccination Considerations for Obstetric–Gynecologic Care (ACOG)
- CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendation for Young Children (CDC)
- Doulas and COVID-19 (DONA International)
- Interim Considerations for Infection Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Inpatient Obstetric Healthcare Settings (CDC)
- Patient Management and Clinical Recommendations During The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic (American Society for Reproductive Medicine)
- Telemedicine and Pregnancy Care (Women’s Health Policy)
- March of Dimes COVID Birth Plan
Guidelines for Pregnant/Breastfeeding People
“The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that all eligible persons aged 12 years and older, including pregnant and lactating individuals, receive a COVID-19 vaccine or vaccine series.”
- COVID-19 Vaccine Information on Pregnancy & Breastfeeding (CDC)
- Pregnant and worried about the new coronavirus? (Harvard Health)
- Novel Coronavirus “COVID-19”: Special Considerations for Pregnant Women (Kaiser Family Foundation)
- COVID-19 Milk Expression, Storage and Handling Infographics (Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute)
- COVID-19: Separating Infected Mothers from Newborns: Weighing the Risks and Benefits (Harvard Medical School)
- Effectiveness of Maternal Vaccination with mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine During Pregnancy Against COVID-19 (CDC – MMWR)
- Care for Breastfeeding Women (CDC) webpage includes guidance on breastfeeding and breast milk in the context of COVID-19, including specific information about well child checks, lactation services, and donor milk.
COVID-19 Infection Risk in Pregnancy
Pregnant and recently pregnant patients with COVID-19 are at increased risk of more severe illness compared with nonpregnant peers (Ellington MMWR 2020, Collin 2020, Delahoy MMWR 2020, Khan 2021). Available data indicate an increased risk of ICU admission, need for mechanical ventilation and ventilatory support (ECMO), and death reported in pregnant women with symptomatic COVID-19 infection, when compared with symptomatic nonpregnant women (Zambrano MMWR 2020, Khan 2021).
Pregnant and recently pregnant patients with comorbidities such as obesity and diabetes may be at an even higher risk of severe illness consistent with the general population with similar comorbidities (Ellington MMWR 2020, Panagiotakopoulos MMWR 2020, Knight 2020, Zambrano MMWR 2020, Allotey 2020, Metz 2021, Galang 2021).
General Information
CDC COVID Data Tracker – Learn about West Virginia rates of infection, hospitalization, death and vaccination for all populations.
- COVID-19 Information for Healthcare Professionals (CDC)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) in West Virginia (West Virginia DHHR)
- Coronavirus Disease Advice for the Public (WHO)
- Patient Information on How to Prepare Your Home for the Coronavirus (.pdf) (WVPP)
- COVID-19 in Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups (.pdf) (CDC) highlights what public health professionals, community organizations, healthcare systems and healthcare providers, and individuals can do to address the needs of racial and ethnic minority groups during the pandemic.
*Original resource list was created by the California Perinatal Quality Care Collaborative
Resources for Behavioral Health Providers
- SAMSHA Virtual Recovery Resources (.pdf)
- COVID-19 Substance Use Disorder Resources (Help & Hope WV)
Policy Examples for OB/GYN Providers Regarding COVID-19
- Cabell Huntington Hospital – COVID-19 Maternity Services Operational Plan (.docx)
- Cabell Huntington Hospital – COVID Positive or PUI for C- section (.docx)
- WVU Medicine Ruby Memorial Hospital – Plan for PUI or COVID Mother in Labor (.pdf)
- WVU Medicine Ruby Memorial Hospital – Process for L&D Patients (.pdf)
Related news
CDC Recommends COVID-19 Vaccines for Young Children
June 22, 2022COVID-19 in Newborn Care: Initial Lessons from the Pandemic
May 26, 2020Preparing your maternal and neonatal units to respond to COVID-19
March 23, 2020Novel corona virus disease (COVID‐19) in pregnancy: What clinical recommendations to follow?
March 20, 2020Contact
Amy Tolliver, Director
West Virginia Perinatal Partnership
(304) 558-0530 ext. 5
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