2015 NAPPSS Safe Infant Sleep Recommendations

From the National Action Partnership to Promote Safe Sleep: “The NAPPSS Coalition is pleased to present the National Action Plan to Increase Safe Infant Sleep: A Blueprint from the National Action Partnership to Promote Safe Sleep. The framework for the plan was developed under the guidance of an Expert Leadership Group. National Action Partners generated ideas at a national action … Read More

2015 National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children Conference – Registration Now Open

National DEC’s 12th Annual Conference The Civic Center, Charleston, West Virginia October 6–8, 2015 We anticipate a nationwide representation of service providers and professionals, including child welfare providers, substance abuse treatment providers, juvenile and family court judges and attorneys, law enforcement, prosecutors, probation officers, prevention specialists, maternal and child health agencies, physicians, nurses, researchers and evaluators, educators, Tribal communities, community … Read More

Dr. Robert C. Nerhood Receives the 2015 Outstanding District Service Award

From ACOG.com, “Dr. Nerhood’s outstanding contributions to District IV are invaluable and instrumental to ACOG’s mission of advancing women’s health care. Dr. Nerhood has made significant contributions to District IV. His ACOG activities include serving as the West Virginia Section vice chair/chair (1992–1998), chair (2001–2004), and District IV Graduate Medical Education Committee chair. His greatest achievement, however, is his work … Read More

Protecting Our Infants Act Co-Sponsored by Sen. Ayotte

From Political News, “U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) announced that she is co-sponsoring legislation being introduced by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Senator Robert Casey (D-PA) that would direct the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to develop a strategy to address the alarming number of infants diagnosed with newborn withdrawal after being exposed to opioids while … Read More

Brancazio named WVU School of Medicine chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology

From WVU Healthcare, “Leo R. Brancazio, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., has been named professor and chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the West Virginia University School of Medicine, according to Clay Marsh, M.D., vice president and executive dean of health sciences. “We are delighted to welcome back Dr. Brancazio to his alma mater,” said Dr. Marsh. “His broad-based clinical, … Read More

Awards Presented to 27 Hospitals at Perinatal Summit

For Immediate Release:   Contact: Amy N. Tolliver, MS Director, West Virginia Perinatal Partnership (304) 558-0530, Ext. 5 or atolliver@wvperinatal (Charleston, WV) The West Virginia Perinatal Partnership presented 27 birthing hospitals in the state with awards for their work to advance perinatal care in seven initiatives of the Partnership. The Partnership honored the hospitals on November 6 during the West … Read More

West Virginia Perinatal One Call System Established

West Virginia Perinatal One Call System – 1-866-893-7266 Commissioner of Public Health, Dr. Marian Swinker announced the establishment of the WV State-wide perinatal One Call System for physicians and hospitals. The One Call System will allow for quick responses to find intensive care hospital beds for newborn infants or pregnant women needing immediate high risk care. Perinatal providers have long … Read More