In 2017 the WVPP partnered with WV FREE to initiate a comprehensive approach to improving access and knowledge of contraceptive options. A survey of women in West Virginia conducted in 2015, indicated that 31% had experienced an unintended pregnancy. Recognizing the need to improve education and access to contraceptive information, the Love Your Birth Control Project was developed with input from physicians, nurses, APRN’s, state agencies and organizations that support women’s health in West Virginia. Love Your Birth Control aims to reduce barriers to the full spectrum of contraceptive options available to those of childbearing age, as well as increasing patient satisfaction. Through the use of client-led education, non-commercial materials and discussion of bias in contraceptive counseling, the LYBC project has raised awareness of birth control options, issues and barriers to access.
The LYBC project, initially piloted in three counties, has now been expanded throughout the state. Trainings and materials have been distributed to physicians, nurses, social workers, nurse practitioners, technicians, social workers, home visitation staff, crisis counselors, administrative assistants and academic groups. All trainings and materials are provided free of charge and include education grids, posters, patient handouts and informational sheets and articles. The project is funded through the Education Foundation of America and has also received a grant from the Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation.
The LYBC Project has raised awareness of birth control options, issues and barriers to access throughout WV.
The training, Love Your Birth Control: A shared decision-making training, has been provided to multiple clinics, health departments, provider offices, acute care settings, and community support organizations. The training provides opportunities for healthcare providers and community members to explore ways to incorporate shared decision making during education on contraception.
Trainings are available in virtual or in-person format. Free materials for the training site are provided and include patient information cards, posters and the education grid for prompting discussion. Materials are commercial-free and promote empowerment and control over decision-making.
For more information about the Love Your Birth Control project or training, please contact:
Melanie Riley – [email protected]
Our Team

Amna Haque, MPH
Project Assistant
Substance Use in Pregnancy
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Melanie Riley, MSN, RN, C-EFM
Nurse Coordinator
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Mary Beth Stewart, BSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, IBCLC
Project Director
Outreach Education
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Annie White-Barb, RN, LCCE
Director of Community Health Programs
Community Doula Care
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