Evidence shows that women who are educated about the birth process and who have continuous labor support are more likely to have a vaginal delivery, thus reducing maternal morbidity and mortality.
The primary goal of the Labor Support and Childbirth Education Outreach Education program is to facilitate the achievement of nulliparous, term, singleton, and vertex (NTSV) vaginal birth. Ten years ago, we initiated a 2-pronged approach, first with Evidence Based Labor Support (EBLS) outreach education for intrapartum nurses, and in 2015, we initiated the Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator (LCCE) training to develop high-quality childbirth education. Over 30 LCCEs teach mothers and their partners about pregnancy, breastfeeding, labor support, and early parenting techniques.
Additionally, the Spinning Babies® and birth doula training programs support the goal of pregnancy comfort, spontaneous birth, and cesarean avoidance.
Our Approach
We believe that educating women about the birth process and increasing access to continuous labor support is vital for decreasing maternal morbidity and mortality.
“West Virginia’s rank for cesarean deliveries has dropped from the 7th highest state in the nation to the 12th highest—a small, but meaningful decrease. We hope to effect more change as health care professionals work to increase their knowledge and skill sets.”
– Shauna Lively, EdD, RN, CLS
Director, WV RMOMS
To improve training and support for pregnant women, the Partnership has developed a coordinated approach. Explore our collaborative projects:
Community Doula Project
A doula is a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support to a mother before, during and shortly after childbirth to help her achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible.
This project focuses on educating doulas, establishing, and updating an online doula registry for West Virginia, providing grand rounds for labor and delivery units; collecting data; and obtaining curriculum and educational materials for expectant mothers, providers, and childbirth educators.
Find out more →

The Lamaze Childbirth Educator Seminar enables learners to develop the knowledge and skills to plan, facilitate, and evaluate a childbirth education program.
This hybrid seminar provides a 4-hour online introduction to teaching childbirth education and a 3-day in-person course for a total of 20 contact hours and is offered annually usually in the spring.
This seminar can be used to apply for the Lamaze International Childbirth Educator Certification (LCCE) Exam.
Labor and delivery nurses play an essential role in ensuring healthy, satisfying birth and breastfeeding initiation. The Lamaze Evidence-Based Labor Support Workshop educates labor and delivery nurses to create the bridge between knowledge and practice. Continuing Nursing Education Credits (CNE) and 7.50 Lamaze Contact Hours are awarded.
Our Team

Shauna Lively, EdD, RN, CLS
Project Director
Rural Maternity and Obstetric Management Strategies (RMOMS) project
Full Bio

Molly Scarborough McMillion, RN, BSN, IBCLC, LCCE
Project Director
WV Breastfeeding Institute/WV Breastfeeding Alliance
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Mary Beth Stewart, BSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, IBCLC
Project Director
Outreach Education
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Annie White-Barb, RN, LCCE
Director of Community Health Programs
Community Doula Care
Full Bio